3 words.. Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise!
This should be your routine every morning and night, no matter how tired or busy you are.. It really does help your skin immensely - evening out your complexion and reducing spots and blocked pores.
1 - Cleanse
This should clear every scrap of makeup off at night. If you have foundation/mascara on your towel, you know you haven't done it thoroughly enough! Squeeze a fifty pence sized piece out onto your hand and rub it into your face. Then wipe it all off with a cotton wool pad. This may need to be repeated depending on how much makeup you're wearing, as one wipe doesn't always pick up all the makeup.
Added Extra - Here I like to give my face a good wash with some Clinique soap, ensuring my skin is squeaky clean. Its best to get a soap/facewash that matches your skin type - so if you've got greasy skin choose one that will help dry your skin out.
2 - Tone
Toner will remove any last trace of makeup and cleanser. Dispense onto a cotton wool pad, and wipe all over your face; making sure you go up into you hairline as some makeup may still be there.
I use the Simple range for my beauty routine, its 100% perfume free so is delicate on your skin. The toner will help soothe and improve your skin's condition as it contains chamomile and witch hazel.
3 - Moisturise
Even if you have oily skin, the first two steps will have stripped your skin of its moisture, so you need to replenish it with a moisturiser that again suits your skin type and the time of year. Winter will dry your skin out with the cold air and central heating, so I recommend using a rich, thick moisturiser such as Derma Intensive Relief from Simple , which is delicate on dry skin. And for the summer months, Simple Light moisturiser, which doesn't clogs your pores. Both very cheap and I find they do their job very well!
Added Extra - its a few months off yet, but when the sun starts to shine more, you should always wear a layer of sun cream on you face, or a moisturiser with a high SPF - this is to stop premature aging (wrinkles). There'll be more on that later...
E x
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